Kate Miller Kate Miller

Book Review: Women Who Run with the Wolves (Ch 1-3)

In the first three chapters of Women Who Run with the Wolves, the author covers massive ground. She teaches the journey of self-discovery through vivid storytelling, imparting wisdom at every turn. This is my interpretation of the initiation period of self-discovery and the pieces of wisdom I pulled from the book.

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Kate Miller Kate Miller

A Birthday Post: Aging Toward Joy

Today is my 40th birthday and I have some decisions to make. How do I want this next decade to be? Can I escape the societal noise telling me I have to try to stay young, indefinitely? And what does it look like to move forward in the direction that I choose? These are my thoughts on how to age toward joy.

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Kate Miller Kate Miller

Personal Growth Through an Expansion Mindset

Learn how I’ll use an Expansion Word (a.k.a. my self-discovery North Star) to lean into my personal growth this year. It’s a process of learning through an expansion mindset and resting in a state of continually welcoming the lessons that are meant for me this year. More allowing, less efforting. More acceptance, less resistance. Join me to find your expansion word for the year.

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